Lost in Translation: Cultural Interpretations of Family in East Africa and Implications on Children’s Care

Kelley Bunkers, Beth Bradford, Karen Smith Rotabi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article from the Brown Journal of World Affairs explores Intercountry Adoption (ICA) practices and the related expansion of orphanages (also referred to as residential care) in the East African context. These phenomena, according to the article, "have created a child care system that separates children from their families rather than strengthening the capacities of families to care for their children. The systems claim to serve 'vulnerable children,' yet often do more harm than good. These faulty foundations often violate children’s rights, weaken family and community structures, and create long-lasting scenarios whereby traditions of care and protection of children are eroded, overlooked, and in the worst cases, intentionally manipulated."
Original languageAmerican English
JournalBrown Journal of World Affairs
Issue numberII
StatePublished - 2018

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