title = "Judeo-Spanish Romansos in Los Angeles",
author = "Rina Benmayor",
note = "by Rina Benmayor, Ph.D. In the late 1950s, two young Spanish professors at UCLA, Samuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman, began recording a huge trove of Judeo-Spanish romansos among Sephardim in Los Angeles and Seattle. 1 One of their subjects was Esther Varsano. Benmayor, Rina. “Judeo-Spanish Romansos in Los Angeles,” in ed. Sarah Abrevaya Stein and Caroline Luce, 100 Years of Sephardic Los Angeles (UCLA Leve Center for Jewish Studies). http://www.sephardiclosangeles.org/portfolios/judeo-spanish-romansos/",
year = "2020",
language = "American English",
journal = "100 Years of Sephardic Los Angeles: A Project of the UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies",