Infusing Sustainability into the Curriculum: CSUMB Student Perspectives on Campus Sustainability

Research output: Other contribution


The goal of the Political Action Project was to increase student awareness of and engagement with California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) campus governance in relation to sustainability. The project involved research of scholarly resources on topics related to Education for Sustainability (EfS) in Institutions of Higher Education at national and regional scales. Students compared and contrasted past, present, and planned initiatives at CSUMB with the experiences of peer institutions in the CSU System (Bakersfield, Channel Islands,
Dominquez Hills, East Bay, Humboldt, San Marcos, Sonoma, and Stanislaus), and brainstormed project ideas in class forums, in small working groups, and with guest speakers, including CSUMB faculty, staff, and elected officers in student government. EfS topics included energy, water, food, waste, transportation, curriculum, facilities, policy and legislation, purchasing, investment, health and wellness, diversity, and career planning. The student deliverables for this project are compiled in this report Infusing Sustainability into the Curriculum: Student
Perspectives on Sustainability at California State University Monterey Bay .
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2015


  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Higher Education
  • Sustainability

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