Dynamic Changes in Spatial Competition for the Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry in the United States

William W. Wilson, Sumadhur Shakya, Bruce Dahl

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Changes in crops, increased demand, reductions in natural gas prices, and spatial competition among producers and imports are affecting the nitrogen fertilizer industry. A spatial competition model of the US nitrogen fertilizer industry was developed to determine the likely future spatial distribution of production and flows for nitrogen. The model minimizes production and shipping costs from plants and imports to consuming regions. A base model of 2010–2012 was developed and a future case was modeled representative of 2018. The most valuable (lowest cost) origins for US processing are primarily in Louisiana, followed by other states with low natural gas prices. Shadow prices indicate locations in Wyoming, Iowa, Georgia, Louisiana, Nebraska, Kansas, and North Dakota would be positive. Not all of proposed plants would be viable and if forced to operate at 75% of capacity or more only a few of the new plants including those located in Louisiana, Iowa and North Dakota would be viable.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalAgricultural Systems
StatePublished - May 2015


  • Fertilizer
  • Nitrogen
  • Spatial competition


  • Agribusiness

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