A Framework and Survey for Measuring Students’ Motivational Attitudes toward Statistics

Douglas Whitaker, Alana Unfried, Leyla Batakci

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Survey of Motivational Attitudes toward Statistics (SOMAS) for Students is part of a family of instruments designed to assess attitudes toward statistics. In the SOMAS project, attitudes toward statistics are conceptualized broadly, and the instruments are designed drawing from Expectancy-Value Theory (EVT) (Eccles, 1983). In this way, the SOMAS project aims to build upon and extend the work of other attitude measures, e.g. the SATS-36. This paper describes the EVT model for students' motivational attitudes, the constructs to be assessed by the student SOMAS instrument, and future directions for the project.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalICOTS 10th International Conference on Teaching Statistics
StatePublished - Jul 2018


  • Statistics and Probability

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