Thomas Horvath

    Personal profile


    An aquatic ecologist with past research on the impacts and spread of aquatic nuisance/invasive species. Dr. Horvath has worked on developing regional management plans for the control of the invasive zebra mussel and quagga mussel. He has expertise in issues surrounding water quality, including designing monitoring programs and developing management plans. Most recently, Dr. Horvath has been working within an international group focused on the role of soil processes and soil organic carbon's impacts on regulating global climate change and greenhouse gases.

    Education/Academic qualification

    B.Sc., University of Indianapolis

    Ph.D., University of Notre Dame

    External positions

    Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Limnology

    Faculty Member, SUNY Oneonta

    Non-Academic Position, US Geological Survey

    Non-Faculty Academic Position, University of Koblenz-Landau


    • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    • Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
    • Environmental Sciences